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Peter Watts 's Books

A very well recieved series by Peter Watts are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are Echopraxia, Beyond the Rift, Maelstrom, Behemoth: Seppuku, Crysis: Legion, Behemoth: B-Max, Bethlehem and Others: Collected Stories, The Freeze-Frame Revolution, Peter Watts Is an Angry Sentient Tumor, Firefall, Peter Watts Is an Angry Sentient Tumor: Revenge Fantasies and Essays, The Complete Short Fiction, The Colonel, Starfish, Fractals, Behemoth, Bethelem, Rifters 3 - Behemoth, Maelstrom r-2, Rifters 4 - Blindsight, Bulk Food, Behemoth r-3, Flesh Made World, Upgraded, Rifters 2 - Maelstrom, Rifters 1 - Starfish, which was published in 2022.